Testoviron 250mg Testosterone Enanthate
  • Testoviron 250mg Testosterone Enanthate
  • Anti Aging with Testosterone for Men Over 35 Years
  • Eliminate libido problems and excess weight with testosterone

Testoviron Depot 250 - Testosterone Enanthate


50$ for 10 Ampoules

250mg Testosterone Enanthate

Price per 1ml Ampoule 5$

1 Quantity = 10 Ampoules

Manufacturer : Zydus Healthcare

Testoviron Zydus


Similar to cypionate, testosterone enanthate is one of the depot testosterones and lasts for around two weeks. It is the most widely used long-term testosterone in Europe.
Testosterone enanthate, developed at the beginning of the 1950s, is generally used in mass building cures as a strongly anabolic and androgenic basic steroid and provides excellent services here.
Although, contrary to many statements to the contrary, the enanthate releases testosterone almost immediately after the injection, it can still take 2-3 weeks until a full performance-enhancing active ingredient level is built up in the blood. Many athletes therefore use the short-acting testosterone propionate as a “kickstarter,” so to speak, of a treatment with depot testosterone, but such an approach is absolutely not necessary. If you are too impatient to wait for the maximum effect of the testosterone enanthate, simply start the treatment with a so-called "front-load", in which twice the weekly dose is injected on the first day, and for larger amounts on the first and second days.

The expected side effects of testosterone enanthate are minimal and can usually be avoided with reasonable dosages (maximum 500 mg/week).

Formel Testosterone

For beginners, testosterone enanthate is without any ifs and buts the steroid of first choice. Metenolone enanthate ("Primobolan Depot") was for a long time the most frequently recommended preparation for steroid newbies, but today it is becoming more popular due to its greater availability and tolerability, and in particular due to the With far better results that can be achieved with testosterone enanthate, testosterone takes this place unchallenged.

With a weekly injection of 250 mg of testosterone enanthate, beginners will experience far more satisfactory results when it comes to building muscle and strength thanks to its higher anabolic and androgenic effects than with the usual 200 mg of metenolone enanthate per week. Ideally, this treatment should last at least 16-20 weeks.

This guarantees a consistent gain in solid muscle and the athlete is able to create a good muscle base for later, more aggressive steroid regimens. Here, too, it is up to the individual's discretion to possibly increase the dose to 500 mg testosterone enanthate per week, especially if there is already a very high basic substance, i.e. muscle mass. The progress will be much better with the higher dosage, while the side effects will hardly be greater. Since testosterone enanthate is so effective for beginners, there is no need to add another steroid.

Similar to methandrostenolone or metandienone, testosterone is a so-called “feel-good” anabolic. When using it, athletes report increased self-confidence, increased energy and motivation, and increased aggressiveness, which, if applied to training and not the environment, can have a positive effect on muscle building. Training on testosterone is simply fun and those who don't like training often turn into real training addicts when using it.

However, it should not be forgotten that although testosterone accelerates and improves regeneration enormously, it does not provide 100% protection against overtraining syndrome because, as is so often the case, the sticking point is the central nervous system, which unfortunately does not regenerate significantly faster when given testosterone. More than four training sessions per week are not necessary to stimulate sufficient muscle growth and optimal regeneration.
Furthermore, testosterone enanthate has the great advantage that it keeps the sex drive at a high level, which not only contributes to the quality of life but also prevents relationship crises from occurring. No other anabolic steroid will benefit your sex drive as positively as the male sex hormone testosterone.

Dosage and intake

Beginners use 250mg per week and achieve good results in terms of solid muscle building. Depending on the individual's expectations, this amount can be increased to 500 mg per week, as the possible side effects are hardly greater. If you choose 500mg, inject the full 500mg once a week, although an injection every 5 days or 250mg every three days makes sense in order to achieve a more constant level of active ingredient in the blood. There is no need to add another steroid.
Advanced and amateur athletes use 500mg every 5 days, which is completely sufficient to achieve an impressive beach figure. Here too, adding another anabolic steroid is not necessary. If you still insist, 400 mg of boldenone undecylenate per week will serve you well.
Ambitious athletes, competitive athletes and professional bodybuilders use dosages of 1,000-2,000mg per week. It occurs in this dose range to a pronounced water retention, which explains why many professionals and bodybuilders at national level have a literally inflated and soft look in the building phase. In the bulking phase, testosterone enanthate is usually combined with growth hormone and often insulin; nandrolone decanoate may also be added.

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